Tuesday 14 September 2010

Long Journey

Another epic 'road trip' was planned for Friday, leaving Cornwall, where it was sunny and beautiful weather...to go back to Crawley, where we go rained on for 2 days. Just for the weekend, it's such a long journey.
It starts off alright, the car is reasonably clean, up for it, singing along, chatting to mates who are with you, then you realise you've got another 5 hours on the trip so by this point everyone has shut up and gone to sleep...the car is a right mess, crisp packets over the floor, drink bottles, pillows covered in dirt...It being my car, I'm now thinking, "great, I have to clean this now."
Going home and seeing my family and friends, who I don't see very often, is great...but at the same time, it just seems like too much hassle. We drove for 2 days and stayed in Crawley for 2 days, so it seemed like there wasn't much point.
As we're going to Spain next Friday, and flying from Gatwick. We have to do the whole journey all over again. GREAT!
Think I may look into flying. Petrol is just sitting at a ridiculous price at the moment as well which doesn't help, when you're already poor.
So why am I living all the way in Cornwall again?

Thursday 9 September 2010

Time After Time

Jaye Louis Douce, my housemate. Possibly one the strangest human beings in my life. He likes to sing, do graphics and moan about things alot of the time.
Jaye is a keen dancer and has a couple of very problematic trademark dance moves-the cowboy, and one of his personal favorites-the DJ Douce! Where he impersonates a DJ, holding his ear, putting his feet together and pretending to mix on imaginary decks. Some would find this strange, but that's just Jaye, doing his thing.
Jaye literally has a fact about everything on life, hence one reason why he's building his own website 'www.a new fact every jaye.com'
I've never come across someone who is so determind to go so far in life, he is one funny character, when he's drunk especially grunting at girls and saying "wasson" to them and then giving a look of disgust to his friends when the girls look at him strangely.
He always knows someone, who knows someone, to get something done for you. Which I guess in a way is a bonus, as you can always expect him to come up with something/someone for you.
To be honest, the thing I'll miss most about Jaye if he was to leave and go somewhere with his life after uni, is his Gaston (from Beauty & the Beast)impersonation!
Keep it going Douce!

Tuesday 7 September 2010

The Beatles

I never used to like The Beatles, but right now they are cheering me up. With loads of things going through my head right now...they seem to be doing the trick.
Let it be, is definetly one of my favorites, along with Obla Di Obla Da. Putting it on repeat is probably going to annoy me within time thought, which maybe I should stop doing.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Morning 'friends' fix is brilliant

When 'Friends'; Rachel, Joey, Pheobe, Monica, Ross & Chandler came to air in 1994, I remember watching one of the first episodes thinking, "what is this all about?" I was only 6 years old, and obviously didn't understand what the hell they were going on about, but after growing up with it until I was 16, it still always put the first smile on my face in the mornings....high top next to my boyfriend of course.
As many times as I've watched Friends, I don't think I can ever get bored of it. Watching the episodes back to back, still make me laugh.
Whilst talking to my housemate about it, he said that he sometimes feels that Joey could even be his real life friend. I didn't look at him strangely at all!
After he told me that, he had to try and convince me he wasn't weird and needed help!
I love Friends, but I wouldn't go as far as Jaye did, by saying what he did. I did laugh though.
I still cry when I watch the last episode, even though I probably know what they are going to say and when they're going to say it.
I was going to say which episode was my favorite, but I just can't pick one. They are all really entertaining and....well let's face it, amazing.