Wednesday 1 December 2010

Dissertation LOVE!!!

Trying to write my dissertation is proving to be a right pain in the ass! I think I should have a Facebook blocker on my internet until I finish my degree.
Sitting in the dining room, 'getting on' with after coffee and getting a bit 'typey' isn't always fun! Don't do a degree!!!

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Long Journey

Another epic 'road trip' was planned for Friday, leaving Cornwall, where it was sunny and beautiful go back to Crawley, where we go rained on for 2 days. Just for the weekend, it's such a long journey.
It starts off alright, the car is reasonably clean, up for it, singing along, chatting to mates who are with you, then you realise you've got another 5 hours on the trip so by this point everyone has shut up and gone to sleep...the car is a right mess, crisp packets over the floor, drink bottles, pillows covered in dirt...It being my car, I'm now thinking, "great, I have to clean this now."
Going home and seeing my family and friends, who I don't see very often, is great...but at the same time, it just seems like too much hassle. We drove for 2 days and stayed in Crawley for 2 days, so it seemed like there wasn't much point.
As we're going to Spain next Friday, and flying from Gatwick. We have to do the whole journey all over again. GREAT!
Think I may look into flying. Petrol is just sitting at a ridiculous price at the moment as well which doesn't help, when you're already poor.
So why am I living all the way in Cornwall again?

Thursday 9 September 2010

Time After Time

Jaye Louis Douce, my housemate. Possibly one the strangest human beings in my life. He likes to sing, do graphics and moan about things alot of the time.
Jaye is a keen dancer and has a couple of very problematic trademark dance moves-the cowboy, and one of his personal favorites-the DJ Douce! Where he impersonates a DJ, holding his ear, putting his feet together and pretending to mix on imaginary decks. Some would find this strange, but that's just Jaye, doing his thing.
Jaye literally has a fact about everything on life, hence one reason why he's building his own website 'www.a new fact every'
I've never come across someone who is so determind to go so far in life, he is one funny character, when he's drunk especially grunting at girls and saying "wasson" to them and then giving a look of disgust to his friends when the girls look at him strangely.
He always knows someone, who knows someone, to get something done for you. Which I guess in a way is a bonus, as you can always expect him to come up with something/someone for you.
To be honest, the thing I'll miss most about Jaye if he was to leave and go somewhere with his life after uni, is his Gaston (from Beauty & the Beast)impersonation!
Keep it going Douce!

Tuesday 7 September 2010

The Beatles

I never used to like The Beatles, but right now they are cheering me up. With loads of things going through my head right now...they seem to be doing the trick.
Let it be, is definetly one of my favorites, along with Obla Di Obla Da. Putting it on repeat is probably going to annoy me within time thought, which maybe I should stop doing.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Morning 'friends' fix is brilliant

When 'Friends'; Rachel, Joey, Pheobe, Monica, Ross & Chandler came to air in 1994, I remember watching one of the first episodes thinking, "what is this all about?" I was only 6 years old, and obviously didn't understand what the hell they were going on about, but after growing up with it until I was 16, it still always put the first smile on my face in the mornings....high top next to my boyfriend of course.
As many times as I've watched Friends, I don't think I can ever get bored of it. Watching the episodes back to back, still make me laugh.
Whilst talking to my housemate about it, he said that he sometimes feels that Joey could even be his real life friend. I didn't look at him strangely at all!
After he told me that, he had to try and convince me he wasn't weird and needed help!
I love Friends, but I wouldn't go as far as Jaye did, by saying what he did. I did laugh though.
I still cry when I watch the last episode, even though I probably know what they are going to say and when they're going to say it.
I was going to say which episode was my favorite, but I just can't pick one. They are all really entertaining and....well let's face it, amazing.

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Twitter...and what is the point?

I DON'T REALLY UNDERSTAND TWITTER!!!! Why do people want to know what you're up to all the time?

Remembering those close to you

Why do I do this to myself. I always sit here and start thinking of all these different things going on in my head, and get upset about them.
I am missing all my friends I have loved and lost this past year or two. I keep trying to tell myself I have to remember the good times, and I do...all the time. I just can't stop thinking of them. Everything seems to remind me of them in some way or another.
They wouldn't want me to get upset over it all like I do, but I just don't know what else to say or do.
Everyday, I miss Lin. I can't just pick up the phone anymore and just say "I'm popping over to see you." or even just to have that 'quick chat' with her. She kept telling me how she didn't have too long left, but I didn't listen and just took it with a pinch of salt. I wish I listened and maybe I would've been able to say goodbye.
I sometimes wonder how people can take life for granted and don't live life to the full...sounds like a cliché, but that's how it is I guess.
I can never be bothered to argue with people anymore, even if it's a disagreement about something so minor.
Feeling loss, guilt, pain and have to help yourself and get through the tough times. Sometimes these feelings are very overwhelming and frightening, but they are natural feelings when it comes to losing someone close to you. Some people think there is a right way to grieve, but there isn't a right or wrong. You have to deal with it in your own way and get through it slowly or as fast as you wish.
How you grieve all depends on so much different factors...this is just down to your personality and your personal coping style, faith and your life experience. Getting back to 'normal' can take time, but it will happen and you will start to feel happy again. Just be patient with yourself...Trust me, I'm trying!

Going back to when I was 14 withmy best friend Alice. Sitting watching the cheesiest film in the world, eating pizza and drinking coke.Britney's 'innocent' character in this film, is quite disturbing, and making me quite uncomfortable...this is only because she's a crap actress along the other 'stars' in the film.Singing 'I love Rock n Roll'....URGHHH!!I'm just enjoying having my best friend here with me in Cornwall, we haven't been able to hang out like this since we were a lot younger. So it's wicked. Beautiful times yet to come!We'll probably get told off by our housemates about not doing anything all day and just generally eating shit all the time, but it's girly day...what else do you want me to say?

Sunday 29 August 2010

Another Javea moment

I'm heading back to another place that makes me so happy....AGAIN!
Javea, this place is so precious to me and my family. I love it there. It just reminds me so much of good memories and I can't wait to share it with my boyfriend Henry who has never been there.
This time will be a bit different, as my parents are coming with us. I'm looking forward to spending 9 days with them, as I haven't been to Javea with them in nearly 5 years.
Javea is so beautiful when it's not full of tourists....I like to think I'm not a tourist anymore, as I have a flat there and it has been my 2nd home since I can remember.
The locals might think otherwise.

Why I love Cornwall

When I first said I was moving to Falmouth with James, I didn't actually know where it was or that it was going to be so beautiful.
I can never leave now!
Cornwall inspires me so much and makes me fall in love with it all over again when I visit places like Kynance Cove.
Me and the boyfriend went here just to waste abit of time, and I ended up nearly wiping the battery flat on my SLR because I couldn't get enough of it.
So visit Cornwall if you haven't, take it all in and appreciate it to the max.

Linda Jones-My best friend

Firstly...R.I.P Lin!
You have made my life so different and you will be missed so much. I can't believe how much I miss you. You really have left a hole in my heart.
When I first met you, I thought you were so interesting and you always knew how to make me smile. You helped me through so much and I am so grateful to have you in my life. You played and will always play an important role in my life always and forever.
I love you

Thursday 22 April 2010

Edit away

3rd day, just been editing a few of my images for next weeks paper. It's going well...I went to Tilgate Galaxy FC v Faygate United FC last night, where they played at Broadfield Stadium, Tilgate won 3-1. Faygate now have lost all their final games. Great photos from all games, and my final 3 edits will be in next weeks print.
It's still quite weird seeing my work and my name in the paper! Some friends saw it too, and they said the same.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Can you smell that?

Just under Crawley's railway bridge in Southgate, there is a gas leak and they have now decided to close another road! Sound surprised? Didn't think so.
So they are causing more traffic hold ups going through the middle of the town centre, as well as closing one side of the road outside the post office to repair the pot holes and also at the College Road roundabout dealing with the same problem.

Fun in the Sun

My second day has gone slower than my first, but it's so fun. I just came back from Bewbush Primary School. They have put on a 'fun day' event for their pupils, for their good behaviour and attendance. The school organises something fun for the students to do at the end of every term.
They seem to be pleased with my images so far...."These photos are so funny" said Kirk...It's very nice to know that they like them.
We're doing a double page spread with these images, which is fantastic. It was so good to see the kids smiling like they were.

Let's see what tomorrow brings, I think I'm working with Jon again tomorrow. Should be fun.

Back in the office

My second morning in the news office, it seems more chilled than my first day. I love it. I've been to K2 with Amie, to report on the 'Crawlathon'. I took a few photos for the article. I'm happy to say that my pictures are in the paper today...just seen it. How good is that?
I've got to go to Bewbush school later at 1:15 to take some photos of the children playing on/with big inflatables. Should be fun.
Let's see if I can get any more images in next weeks paper.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Crazy Times

It's abit hetic in the office now...everyone is typing away, as it is a deadline tonight. I am loving the working environment right now. It's crazy!

Change of plans....yes at the last minute!

As always, things changed right at the last minute! I'm now at Crawley Observe doing my work placement and not in London. They cancelled, the week before I was due to go...THANKS!
But it's been my first day here and it's been great!
I'm working with the head of Photography, Jon Rigby. He's been telling me alot about what he does and how he goes about getting jobs etc.
I want to gather so much more information from working here, I was to widen my knowledge on not just general photography, but focus on press photography too.
I want to find out how the news is produced and what goes on behind the scenes. Asking questions and gathering imformation on all aspects of the company and how they work as individuals and as a team. I also want to know about how they come to the final print decisions within news stories and the photography.
Do they cover everything that comes up in Crawley?

Saturday 20 March 2010

Work Placement

Ah wow! Just found out, I've got my work placement in "LONDON BABY!" - Joey, Friends!
I'll be working in a photography studio between April & May... I can't wait! Wooooo!
I'll be working with a guy called Peter in a studio right next to the O2 arena in Greenwich! get there? Drive or Train! Watch This Space!!

Trying to run away

Face is going down abit now...but I still look like a 'moomin'. Don't you love it when your 'friends' call you names like this, and I'm sure it'll stick for good now! GREAT!
I'm still watching the endless 'dribble' day time tv...Supernanny...Life can't get any better surely? In the comfort of my own room, drowning in my self pitty because I am now part of the 'moomins' but at least I have the wonderful tv shows they put on repeat over and over and over. Sure I'm feeling much better now!
Definitely bath time! Trust me, I'm not trying to run away!

Friday 19 March 2010

It's a Blackberry life!

I've now fallen in love with my 2nd blackberry phone. After getting my 1st one stolen in Spain, I thought it was the end of the world, until I got my brand new one after leaving it at home, or thinking it's somewhere else and finding it at the bottom of my bag. I start to feel sorry for it and feel like I've treated it badly. What's wrong with me? It's a phone!
I never thought my life would start to evolve around a mobile phone, knowing that people can get in touch with me anywhere and anyway they want, whether it's Facebook, Twitter, Hotmail, BBM, MSN, drives me crazy, but knowing that the little red light on top of my phone is flashing means that someone has contacted me through one of the many apps that annoy the hell out of people, it starts to get me all excited! I can't help but look to see what it is...Just to find out I've got an email from someone I don't know has sent me this months worse chain email. What a waste of time.
Please help me...bring back simple Nokia 3210's. They were the dream! All you cared about then was what phone cover you had, and if it was 'cool' enough to actually pull the phone out.

Feeling abit fat

After buying this really cheap foundation for the first time on Sunday, I thought "Why not, let's have a change"...definitely the wrong choice! Now I've been sitting here in my room for 3 days with a 'balloon' face.
I'm supposed to be cheering on Tremough FC on Sunday for their Sunday cup final...but if my face doesn't go down, it'll be locked in my room for yet another day. How fun?
I've been thinking...What else can I do in my room apart from watch yet another day of day time tv? As much fun as it is.
I'm now taking steroids and people think I'm going to run to the gym and pump it up...I think not!
So let's take this time and pray that my face swelling goes down over the rest of today and tomorrow.